Surprise your Friends this Easter with a Homemade Lamb Roast

Today, we live in a world filled with takeout and fast food – and even when we crave something created with the attention it deserves, we head out to a restaurant and get our food made by others for us. And this is a pity, especially because cooking a meal is very easy – if you know what you are doing, that is. But even if you are at the very beginning of your culinary journey through life, you’ll find more than enough guidance and information about how to cook yourself at home to turn you not into a professional but someone who can find his or her way through the kitchen with ease. And nothing beats the pride of seeing your friends’ and relatives’ faces when they truly enjoy a meal that you cooked.

Easter is coming – and it is the greatest opportunity to amaze your family and friends with a meal cooked at home. There are several traditional Easter foods that you can prepare relatively easily, and if you’re stuck, you can always turn to the internet for guidance. Here, you can find out some secrets about Gordon Ramsey that you won’t usually notice in his popular TV shows (in his instructional videos, he doesn’t use the F-word at all). Namely, that behind his temper, he is a professional dedicated to the best possible culinary experience.

One of the traditional Easter recipes you can try this year is the leg of lamb – or, as many chefs put it, a “must-have” for every Easter table. While at first, it might seem scary to start your ‘career’ as a home cook with such a potentially complicated dish, fear not – it’s not as complex and elaborate a meal as it seems. By the way, it’s always a great idea to look at the way restaurant chefs cook – their methods are created to be quick, efficient, and result-oriented.

Here is chef Gordon Ramsay’s quick and easy recipe for a delicious, juicy leg of lamb:

The rest of the foods to traditionally put on the table for Easter are either as easy as boiling an egg (they are literally boiled eggs) or can be bought from any store around this time of the year. And who knows – preparing an Easter roast for your friends and relatives might ignite something in your soul that will bring you closer to becoming a dedicated home cook, discovering the secrets of spices, cooking methods, and the joy of consuming meals that you have worked hard to prepare – which are proven to taste even better.



  1. February 2, 2018 / 10:58 am

    So Delicious! My mouth is watering to see this. The recipe is great. I will definitely try this. Thanks for sharing

    • February 2, 2018 / 11:37 am

      Glad to hear!